Lawyers India

Specialized Legal Experts

Provide victims’ rights groups with advocacy and legal support:-

We have a separate division to take care of migrants’ rights issues, advocacy and public outreach. The legal cell is committed in protecting the rights and liberties of victims and the survivors as a whole.

Facility to review the evidences and documents of court records:-

We also provide for a complete review of evidence and documents of past Court records to enable our clients to prepare their cases without leaving any legal issue un-addressed.

Facility to meet the legal experts from India, UK and the US:-

Apart from the correspondence through the Web, a client is desirous of meet the Legal experts for a personal appraisal, he or she can get in touch with us and fix an appointment and hold discussions. It includes barristers, solicitors and legal experts from India, United Kingdom and the US legal practitioners choosing from amongst the various alternatives.

Legal Research:-

There are as we know, many cases in the National and International level, pending disposal by the concerned Courts or tribunals, not to mention the unexecuted judicial decisions by countries with authoritarian regimes. Here is a situation that appears to have been eroded the faith and trust of the people in the ability of the legal system to redress harms that result from serious crimes. Read Full Text


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In the era of globalization, technological capabilities and trends, the promotion of the rule of law based on international values are more important than ever. Reparation is committed with great enthusiasm and passion, accepting today's challenges and certainly becoming an important part of the global reparations movement. FULL TEXT


United Nations Human Rights Instruments

International Human Rights Law & Protection Mechanisms

Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary

Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials

Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers

Guidelines on the Role of Prosecutors

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